Oh how I HATE writers block!
In case you didn't know...i love to write. For real, i LOVE to write. Ive been writing little stories since i was a younger kid. At this point, since I've basically learned all the basics of putting a pen on paper, i have been writing a book. (so nerdy, i know) but anyway, I started it in my algebra class last semester and right now I've written up to chapter nine and who knows how many pages. ( i should count that one day). My book is all in my head and I have so many great ideas, so many characters, so many adventures that are just DYING to be put on paper for the world to read. The only problem is that sometimes these ideas want to all come out at once and I can't write it down as fast as my brain wants me to. Just tonight while i was babysitting and the child i watch was asleep, i sat there with my green binder that holds my book and i began to write. I wrote i think about three or four pages for the book and then i just.....stopped.
My brain moving and i just couldn't continue without screwing everything up.
I had planned to maybe be done with my first draft to my first book by the beginning of sophomore year, but writing is so much harder than i imagined that i fear i may never be done. This is what i want to do, though. I want to be the next J.K. Rowling or Stephanie Meyer ( im Mormon so im already half way there. haha) and i want to be able to tell my children how their mom published her first book before she was even out of high school. But is my dream even possible? With all the summer work i have to do, plus how much i am gone or busy, i feel like it is only a pipe dream that can't come true. But just think about it....to be able to say that my first book was sold before i graduated high school would be the highlight of my life. I want to entertain people, to make them think, to allow them the chance to escape the real world. I want to write
my crazy antisocial writer's face